All pictures and information below have been updated on the 10th of April 2022. All in game art is presently temporary and target to changes.

Elevator pitch :

Animal Crossing on PC, where you play as a lonely robot in space, assembling robot friends while expanding,maintaining and customizing your own space station. With an emphasis on social player-to-player interactions.

General Information :

Core Pillars :

Other :

Plot/Universe :

The game takes place in an alternate 1970s-ish. After landing on the moon, a space age started, sending countless rockets into space to explore what else there was. Eventually humans started to develop human-like robots to be sent on long flights in outer space to make more discoveries.

These robots were very human like and as part of their making process they were to spend time with their assigned human “parent”.

The player plays as one of those robot, sent to the edge of outer space. Now thousands of light years away, after completing it’s original mission, our player start missing their parental figure and being lonely, they then start an incredible journey to try to get back to earth, while assembling their own friends on the way.

Features :

Untitled Database

Art Style :

The game mixes 3d and 2d. All characters ,some environment element and the ui is made using pixel art sprites. While most of the environment will be built using a lowpoly/voxel style.

One thing to note is that despite the game taking place in a space station, not all the art will be sci-fi inspired, the goal is to allow players to make the space station of their dream. This means we will have all sorts of decor elements, ranging from medieval to sci-fi to present day and even fantasy.


Gameplay experience :

The gameplay of this game is meant to be relaxing and simple, to be played in small burst daily. Each day the nearby resources will change and players will want to at least open the game to see if something interesting is in range. It also behaves as a virtual aquarium. Something with low maintenance but fun to look at. Customize your station, like it’s a zen garden, look at what your robot friends are doing,take care of your plants,clean up the place,etc...

Game Mechanics in depth :

Writing in progress